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3m vetbond tissue adhesive组织胶水是一种氰基丙烯酸正丁酯粘合剂,在兽医中可用来粘合组织、保护伤口,可以不再需要缝线和绷带。组织胶水同时也是止血剂,蓝色液滴使得更容易观察涂覆情况,方便可挤压塑料小瓶包装,及尖细的瓶口易于产生小的液滴,方便涂抹。


3m™ vetbond™ tissue adhesive (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) provides quality wound management. it polymerizes in seconds after contact with tissue and body fluids and binds wound edges together so natural healing can occur.

item description:
3m™ vetbond™ tissue adhesive is an n-butyl cyanoacrylate adhesive usedto bond tissue together for veterinary procedures (i.e. cat declaws,lacerations, abrasions, suture/staple line sealing, tooth extractions,oral surgeries, and dewclaw removal). product contains blue dye to allowuser to easily see where product has been applied. on contact with bodytissue, vetbond adhesive changes from liquid to solid state bypolymerizing within seconds to seal a wound. adhesive stops minorbleeding and binds wound edges. may eliminate need for sutures/bandagesin some instances. also acts as a barrier to keep foreign matter fromentering the wound. tissue adhesive is sloughed as healing occurs. each3 ml bottle contains approximately 150 drops.

additional information
reduces tissue trauma and need for analgesia in minor wound repair.
excellent for quick, minor wound repairs.
acts as a physical barrier to keep foreign matters from entering wound.

recommended uses:
low tension minor wounds
foot pad injuries
oral trauma
small surgical incisions
oral surgery
tooth extraction
dew claw removal 

 features benefits
convenient blue indicator easy visualization.
adhesive minimizes tissue trauma. 
reduces need for anesthesia
time saving bonds tissue together in 15secs avoids the need for time consuming suturing and suture removal
economical bottle contains 150 drops sufficient for 50-75 small wound closures
versatile haemostatic agent particular benefit after removal of warts, polyps or teeth
supportive use between tension sutures or other tension devices give support to reduce the incidence of dehiscence

contra-indications *do not use vetbond tissue adhesive on: 
infected wounds
deep puncture wounds
high tension wounds (unless as a support to sutures) 
although vetbond tissue adhesive is a haemostatic agent, it is not designed to stop the flow from large vessels.

1. avoid contact with skin and eyes. for use near eyes, place damp towel over eyes for protection. if on skin, wipe immediately with a paper towel. may be removed from skin with dimethylsulfoxide (dmso). if in eyes, hold eyelids open and flush thoroughly with water. an opththalmologist should be consulted.
2. use in well-ventilated are. avoid breathing vapors over long periods of time.
3. avoid contact of adhesive with instruments, gloves and surgicalinstruments. polymerized adhesive on instruments can be removed bysoaking in acetone.
4. do not use if adhesive appears thicker than water at room temperature. thickenedproduct has partially polymerized and will not form an acceptable bond.
5. do not use internally, on infected and/or deep puncture wounds, or below theepidermal layer.
6. do not use in the presence of soaps, cotton products (gauze, cotton tippedapplicators, etc.), basic substances (soaps, etc.) or polyurethane foamapplicators. these materials may cause excessive exothermic (heatgenerating) reaction.

1. product can be refrigerated or frozen to extend shelf life before opening.
2. store bottle upright on shelf in a cool、dry place (away from heat).after opening, do not return bottle to refrigerator.

a white chalky material may form on the outside of the bottle (bottleblooming). this is normal and does not compromise the effectiveness orthe integrity of vetbond tissue adhesive.
1. vetbond tissue adhesive must be at room temperature before use. donot heat.
2. remove bottle cap. to open, cut off bottle tip with scissors orblade. place flexible applicator tip on bottle.
3. vetbond adhesive may be used between stainless steel staples, butapplication of adhesive on staples may interfere with staple removal.
4. when finished, remove excess adhesive in vial tip by holding bottleupright and gently squeeze single drop of adhesive out of tip onto apaper towel. wipe bottle tip with the same paper towel. replace bottlecap. expel adhesive from applicator tip by pushing air through it from astandard syringe.

wound/surgical application
1. clip hair from site.
2. wash with anti-bacterial soap, rinse and dry.
3. apply preoperative prep (3m™ duraprep™ surgical solution,povidone-iodine preparations, chlorhexidine or isopropyl alcohol).
4. allow the prep solution to completely dry prior to surgery.
5. after the surgical procedure is complete, approximate the edges ofthe wound/surgical incision.
6. application site should be free of excess fluids for best adhesionand to avoid an excessive exothermic (heat generating) reaction.
7. apply vetbound adhesive sparingly to the surface of the site to forma thin layer. thick applications will crack and lift prematurely.
8. avoid touching moist surfaces with applicator tip.
9. do not apply vetbound tissue adhesive internally or below theepidermal layer.

declaw application
1. prepare surgical site as usual and amputate claws using routinesurgical procedure.
2. remove as much blood as possible from incision site by blotting.
3. approximate the edges of the wound/surgical site and sparingly applyvetbond tissue adhesive to cut surfaces of the skin using the plasticapplicator tip provided. one drop for each digit should be sufficient. caution
*do not allow vetbond tissue adhesive to drip into the cavity. anyresidual tissue adhesive below the closure site can cause foreign bodyreactions. do not glue hair into site.
4. hold skin edges for 5-10 seconds.

5. after completing the procedure, check for bleeding and reapply adrop of adhesive to the skin edges if necessary. bleeding will normallystop within 5-10 minutes. sutures or dressings are usually not needed,but a pressure bandage may be applied if warranted.














