大小鼠平板跑步机 -尊龙凯时网娱乐官网





地址:上海市闵行区兴梅路485号 xingmei rd 485,shanghai,china

当前位置: > 动物行为学研究 > 大小鼠平板跑步机







1. 精确控制速度:0.0-99.9/分钟,数字实时显示
2. 运行平稳流畅,即使速度小于0.5/分钟,也能平稳运行
3. 每通道独立控制,避免传统整体型跑步带造成的个别老鼠被夹的情况
4. 跑步带的尺寸:小鼠-64mm x 380mm;大鼠-115cm x 660mm;加长型-152cm x 660mm
5. 具有独立的铰链门,方便放入及取出动物
6. 每通道有独立的排泄废物收集器
7. 采用防滑跑步带,坚韧耐用
8. 可调节的电击刺激:0-2.5ma,每通道可独立控制
9. 激励性和惩罚性双重刺激,有效缩短训练时间
10. 电动角度调节功能(选配):0-30°角度调节范围,无级调节



ci wooddell, g zhang, jb griffin… - muscle & nerve …, 2010 - wiley online library

… animals had access ad libitum to water and mouse diet 5015 chow (pmi nutrition international,
brentwood, missouri) or teklad rodent diet (harlan) … exercised at 6–12 m/min for 10–30 min
by running uphill at a 5° angle on a treadmill (iitc model 800, iitc life science …


c pichavant, crr bjornson, t gallagher… - plos currents …, 2017 - currents.plos.org

… treadmill. to measure mouse fatigue, mice were run on a treadmill (iitc model 800; iitc life
science, woodland hills, ca) with a 10° uphill incline. an electric shock bar grid at the end
of the tread delivered a mild shock to mice if they stopped running …



kj sekiguchi, p shekhtmeyster, k merten… - nature …, 2016 - nature.com

… gcamp6f was recorded during rest (left) and following cutaneous stimulation with a rodent pincher applied … when we increased pinch pressure, we found that high-amplitude (p=400–800 g) stimuli … mouse running speed (black) and tail pinch application (purple) is shown on top …

, , rs sidhu… - the journal of …, 2012 - wiley online library

… a combination of electrical stimulation and air puff was used to encourage rodents to run … by the time to peak (ttp) of the twitch force (1/ttp × 1.25) for 800 ms … lv morphometry and function in anaesthetized 21‐week‐old rats using a vevo 770 small rodent ultrasound (visual …

g schoiswohl, m schweiger, r schreiber… - journal of lipid …, 2009 - asbmb

… treadmill experiments using these mouse models revealed an important role of atgl in
exercise-induced … (ph 10.5). after centrifugation (800 xg, 15 min), the radioactivity in 1 ml of the upper phase … 12 initiates tg hydrolysis in adipose tissue of rodents as well as in humans …


np whitehead, m streamer, li lusambili, f sachs… - neuromuscular …, 2006 - elsevier

… research carried out on the mdx mouse, an animal model of dmd, has shown that a wide range
of pharmacological agents … mice were given a 45-min period of eccentric exercise by running
them downhill on a motorized treadmill (iitc model 800 treadmill, life sciences …



dt dao, jt vuong, l anez-bustillos, a pan… - plos one, 2018 - journals.plos.org

… mice were then placed on a rodent treadmill (iitc life science, woodland hills, ca) for
compulsory … at room temperature with hrp-conjugated goat anti-rabbit or anti-mouse secondary
antibodies … n = 5 vegf) were examined with a confocal microscope (lsm 800, zeiss, jena …


k sung, m kim, j hyun, y kim, k kim - neuroscience letters, 2014 - elsevier

… motor coordination of mice was tested using a rotarod treadmill (iitc life science, ca … for
immunoblotting, the following primary antibodies were used: mouse anti-nnos monoclonal
antibody (1 … biotechnology, ca, usa), rabbit anti-inos polyclonal antibody (1:800 dilution; santa …


g zhang, ci wooddell, jo hegge, jb griffin… - human gene …, 2010 - liebertpub.com

… water and mouse diet 5015 chow (pmi nutrition international, brentwood, mo) or teklad rodent diet (harlan … to 6 rpm to determine the highest of these speeds at which the mouse could remain … min by running uphill at a 5° angle on a treadmill (iitc model 800; iitc life science …


, , … - beneficial …, 2015 - wageningenacademic.com

… briefly, the exercise consisted of treadmill running [model: 800; iitc life science, woodland hills, ca, usa … tnf-α in the culture supernatants was quantified using a commercial mouse tnf-α … and non-specific immunity by probiotics has been studied in various rodent models of …


, fc howarth - electronics, circuits, and systems …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org

… the program involved 5 x 60 min sessions per week on a treadmill (figure 2) (model 800, iitc
life science, usa) for a period of … each lane of the 5 lane treadmill had a shock grid located at
one end of the running belt while the other … figure 2. five lane, rodent exercise treadmill …

lh jørgensen, pl jepsen, a boysen… - the american journal of …, 2017 - elsevier

… the ability of sparc to function as a chaperone is also implied by sparc's ability to mediate
a cell survival effect, which has been observed in mouse lens epithelial cells 23 and human … the
mice were placed in an electric treadmill (iitc life science 800 series treadmill …










