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热板痛觉测痛仪(大小鼠热板仪,hot plate analgesia test meter mice and rats)测试大鼠和小鼠的疼痛反应时间,进行快速精确地筛选麻醉型镇痛药物,更多详情敬请来电咨询)





hot plate analgesia test is used for latency testing in rats and mice. the animals are placed on a black anodized, aluminum plate (11” x 10.5” x ¾”, 275mm x 263mm x 15mm) which is heated uniformly.




ø 可测量大鼠和小鼠 温度步进量0.1摄氏度

ø 控制保持精度+/- 0.1摄氏度

ø 温度范围从0到75℃

ø 时间精度为0.01秒

ø 标准计算机打印口,输出 rs-232输出 



electronics - 18" x 18"



part #



hot plate analgesia meter mice rats


hot plate analgesia meter rat enclosure (square)


hot plate analgesia meter mouse enclosure (round)

series 8



pp lakhlani, lb macmillan, tz guo… - proceedings of the …, 1997 - national acad sciences

… b6,129 male mice, ≈3 months old, were placed on an enclosed hot-plate (iitc inc.); the
temperature of the plate was ramped at 6°c/min from 43°c to 52°c. when a mouse licked a hind
paw, the mouse was removed from the hot plate and the temperature recorded …


l langerman, mi zakowski, b piskoun… - … of pharmacological and …, 1995 - elsevier

… the plate was adjusted to maintain a constant temperature of 52.5 + 0.2”c (hot
plate model d, iitc inc., woodland hills, ca). the animal was placed on the heated
surface until it licked hind paws or jumped (carter, 1991) …


pw kalivas, cb nemeroff… - annals of the new york …, 1982 - wiley online library

… behavioral testing was begun one week after surgery. a hot plate (iitc, inc., model
35-d) was used to assess nociceptive threshold and was maintained at 55.0 -t 0.5"c.
the latency for the animal to lick its hind or forepaw or jump off the …


z wiesenfeld‐hallin, xj xu, jx hao… - acta physiologica …, 1993 - wiley online library

… only rats showing bilateral motor blockade were included in the study. the response of the rats
to noxious thermal stimuli was assessed with a hot plate (iitc, woodland hills, ca, usa)
maintained at 54k0.2 "c. the paw withdrawal response to noxious mechanical stimuli …


c post - neuroscience letters, 1984 - elsevier

… the tail-flick test was performed with an iitc model 33 analgesiameter, and an iitc model
35-d analgesiameter for the hot-plate test. in the tail-flick test, the intensity of the light beam was
adjusted to achieve a reaction latency of 3-4 s before the drug was administered …


e erami, , e ghasemi-dashkhasan… - brain research, 2012 - elsevier

… minor modifications. in these experiments, the hot-plate (analgesia meter iitc, life
science, usa) apparatus was maintained at 52±0.1 °c. the animals, presenting
training latencies higher than 30 s, were excluded. animals …


bl hodges, mj gagnon, … - … of pharmacology and …, 1994 - aspet

… after a 5-mm exposure period, the animal was quickly removed from the box and dropped onto
a hot plate analgesiometer (iitc, wood- land hills, ca) with a plexiglas enclosure (30 cm long
x 30 cm wide x 45 cm high) through which flowed the same concentration of n2o in 02 …


jd clark, bl tempel - neuroscience letters, 1998 - elsevier

… hot plate assay was done as described by o'callaghan and holtzman [10]with equipment from
iitc … taken together, the paw flick and hot plate data indicate that the effects of morphine are … of
focused light, kv1.1 null mutants have shorter latencies, (2) using a hotplate assay in …


s devaraj, as esfahani, , s ramanathan… - molecules, 2010 - mdpi.com

… [11] with slight modifications. the hot plate test was assessed by the incremental hot plate (iitc
life sciences). the hot plate temperature was maintained at 55 ± 1 ºc. prior to treatment, only
rats that showed response within 18 sec were selected for this study …


jx hao, xj xu, z wiesenfeld-hallin - neuroscience letters, 1994 - elsevier

… and was averaged. the responses to noxious heat was tested by placing the rats
on a hot plate (iitc, woodland hills, ca, usa) maintained at 54 + 0.2°c and the
latency to licking a hindpaw was determined. all rats used in …











