1. 可以同时定位新生鼠和小型啮齿类动物
2. 底座尺寸:25cmx25cm
3. 兼容气体麻醉机
4. 耳棒和牙棒的高度调整适合10-75g小鼠
5. delrin®材料的耳棒,更适合于小鼠实验操作
6. 三维操作臂可以精确定位
7. 支持双操作臂工作模式
8. 可选数显模式
9. 可选全自动模式
10. 精确度标准型100um,数显型10um
标准型小鼠脑定位仪 型号:sa-100
便携式小鼠定位仪 型号:sa-103
数显型脑定位仪 型号:sa-150
1. albéri, l., lintas, a., kretz, r., schwaller, b., & villa, a. e. (2013). the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin modulates the firing 1 properties of the reticular thalamic nucleus bursting neurons. journal of neurophysiology, 109(11), 2827-2841.
2. sonati, t., reimann, r. r., falsig, j., baral, p. k., o’connor, t., hornemann, s., aguzzi, a. (2013). the toxicity of antiprion antibodies is mediated by the flexible tail of the prion protein. nature, 501(7465), 102-106.
3. ali, i., o’brien, p., kumar, g., zheng, t., jones, n. c., pinault, d., o’brien, t. j. (2013). enduring effects of early life stress on firing patterns of hippocampal and thalamocortical neurons in rats: implications for limbic epilepsy. plos one, 8(6), e66962.
4. bell, l. a., bell, k. a., & mcquiston, a. r. (2013). synaptic muscarinic response types in hippocampal ca1 interneurons depend on different levels of presynaptic activity and different muscarinic receptor subtypes. neuropharmacology.
5. bolzoni, f., bączyk, m., & jankowska, e. (2013). subcortical effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tdcs) in the rat. the journal of physiology.
6. bolzoni, f., bączyk, m., & jankowska, e. (2013). subcortical effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tdcs) in the rat. the journal of physiology.
7. babaei, p., tehrani, b. s., & alizadeh, a. (2013). effect of bdnf and adipose derived stem cells transplantation on cognitive deficit in alzheimer model of rats. journal of behavioral and brain science, 3, 156-161.
8. gilmartin, m. r., miyawaki, h., helmstetter, f. j., & diba, k. (2013). prefrontal activity links nonoverlapping events in memory. the journal of neuroscience, 33(26), 10910-10914.
9. feng, l., sametsky, e. a., gusev, a. g., & uteshev, v. v. (2012). responsiveness to nicotine of neurons of the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract correlates with the neuronal projection target. journal of neurophysiology, 108(7), 1884-1894.
10. clarner, t., diederichs, f., berger, k., denecke, b., gan, l., van der valk, p., kipp, m. (2012). myelin debris regulates inflammatory responses in an experimental demyelination animal model and multiple sclerosis lesions. glia, 60(10), 1468-1480.
11. girardet, c., bonnet, m. s., jdir, r., sadoud, m., thirion, s., tardivel, c., troadec, j. d. (2011). central inflammation and sickness-like behavior induced by the food contaminant deoxynivalenol: a pge2-independent mechanism.toxicological sciences, 124(1), 179-191.
12. hruška-plocháň, m., juhas, s., juhasova, j., galik, j., miyanohara, a., marsala, m., motlik, j. (2010). a27 expression of the human mutant huntingtin in minipig striatum induced formation of em48 inclusions in the neuronal nuclei, cytoplasm and processes. journal of neurology, neurosurgery & psychiatry, 81(suppl 1), a9-a9.
13. brooks, s., jones, l., & dunnett, s. b. (2010). a29 frontostriatal pathology in the (c57bl/6j) yac128 mouse uncovered by the operant delayed alternation task. journal of neurology, neurosurgery & psychiatry, 81(suppl 1), a9-a10.
14. yu, l., metzger, s., clemens, l. e., ehrismann, j., ott, t., gu, x., nguyen, h. p. (2010). a28 accumulation and aggregation of human mutant huntingtin and neuron atrophy in bac-hd transgenic rat. journal of neurology, neurosurgery & psychiatry, 81(suppl 1), a9-a9.
15. baxa, m., juhas, s., pavlok, a., vodicka, p., juhasova, j., hruška-plocháň, m., motlik, j. (2010). a26 transgenic miniature pig as an animal model for huntington’s disease. journal of neurology, neurosurgery & psychiatry, 81(suppl 1), a8-a9.
1. 可以同时定位新生鼠和小型啮齿类动物
2. 底座尺寸:25cmx25cm
3. 兼容气体麻醉机
4. 耳棒和牙棒的高度调整适合10-75g小鼠
5. delrin®材料的耳棒,更适合于小鼠实验操作
6. 三维操作臂可以精确定位
7. 支持双操作臂工作模式
8. 可选数显模式
9. 可选全自动模式
10. 精确度标准型100um,数显型10um
标准型小鼠脑定位仪 型号:sa-100
便携式小鼠定位仪 型号:sa-103
数显型脑定位仪 型号:sa-150
1. albéri, l., lintas, a., kretz, r., schwaller, b., & villa, a. e. (2013). the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin modulates the firing 1 properties of the reticular thalamic nucleus bursting neurons. journal of neurophysiology, 109(11), 2827-2841.
2. sonati, t., reimann, r. r., falsig, j., baral, p. k., o’connor, t., hornemann, s., aguzzi, a. (2013). the toxicity of antiprion antibodies is mediated by the flexible tail of the prion protein. nature, 501(7465), 102-106.
3. ali, i., o’brien, p., kumar, g., zheng, t., jones, n. c., pinault, d., o’brien, t. j. (2013). enduring effects of early life stress on firing patterns of hippocampal and thalamocortical neurons in rats: implications for limbic epilepsy. plos one, 8(6), e66962.
4. bell, l. a., bell, k. a., & mcquiston, a. r. (2013). synaptic muscarinic response types in hippocampal ca1 interneurons depend on different levels of presynaptic activity and different muscarinic receptor subtypes. neuropharmacology.
5. bolzoni, f., bączyk, m., & jankowska, e. (2013). subcortical effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tdcs) in the rat. the journal of physiology.
6. bolzoni, f., bączyk, m., & jankowska, e. (2013). subcortical effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tdcs) in the rat. the journal of physiology.
7. babaei, p., tehrani, b. s., & alizadeh, a. (2013). effect of bdnf and adipose derived stem cells transplantation on cognitive deficit in alzheimer model of rats. journal of behavioral and brain science, 3, 156-161.
8. gilmartin, m. r., miyawaki, h., helmstetter, f. j., & diba, k. (2013). prefrontal activity links nonoverlapping events in memory. the journal of neuroscience, 33(26), 10910-10914.
9. feng, l., sametsky, e. a., gusev, a. g., & uteshev, v. v. (2012). responsiveness to nicotine of neurons of the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract correlates with the neuronal projection target. journal of neurophysiology, 108(7), 1884-1894.
10. clarner, t., diederichs, f., berger, k., denecke, b., gan, l., van der valk, p., kipp, m. (2012). myelin debris regulates inflammatory responses in an experimental demyelination animal model and multiple sclerosis lesions. glia, 60(10), 1468-1480.
11. girardet, c., bonnet, m. s., jdir, r., sadoud, m., thirion, s., tardivel, c., troadec, j. d. (2011). central inflammation and sickness-like behavior induced by the food contaminant deoxynivalenol: a pge2-independent mechanism.toxicological sciences, 124(1), 179-191.
12. hruška-plocháň, m., juhas, s., juhasova, j., galik, j., miyanohara, a., marsala, m., motlik, j. (2010). a27 expression of the human mutant huntingtin in minipig striatum induced formation of em48 inclusions in the neuronal nuclei, cytoplasm and processes. journal of neurology, neurosurgery & psychiatry, 81(suppl 1), a9-a9.
13. brooks, s., jones, l., & dunnett, s. b. (2010). a29 frontostriatal pathology in the (c57bl/6j) yac128 mouse uncovered by the operant delayed alternation task. journal of neurology, neurosurgery & psychiatry, 81(suppl 1), a9-a10.
14. yu, l., metzger, s., clemens, l. e., ehrismann, j., ott, t., gu, x., nguyen, h. p. (2010). a28 accumulation and aggregation of human mutant huntingtin and neuron atrophy in bac-hd transgenic rat. journal of neurology, neurosurgery & psychiatry, 81(suppl 1), a9-a9.
15. baxa, m., juhas, s., pavlok, a., vodicka, p., juhasova, j., hruška-plocháň, m., motlik, j. (2010). a26 transgenic miniature pig as an animal model for huntington’s disease. journal of neurology, neurosurgery & psychiatry, 81(suppl 1), a8-a9.